Arrivals and Departures
In order to keep our children safe, we need to make sure that everyone is following the rules of the road and The Creighton Academy safety procedures everyday. Our parking lot should be SACRED GROUND. A place where children and families feel safe. No extra convenience or minutes saved is ever worth risking the safety of your child, your child’s friends, or your neighbors. Please always keep this in mind before and after school. Thank you!
Morning Drop-off
We care about our students' safety! There is no student supervision before 7:00am, so please do not leave your child unattended before 7:00am. Once on campus, all students should go directly to the playground in the morning.
Morning drop off can be a busy time, especially as there is only one way in and one way out of our school campus. Please be sure to plan accordingly to ensure you have plenty of time to get your child to school by the time our school day begins at 7:30. In order to help facilitate a smooth morning drop off experience for all families, please be sure to familiarize yourself with our morning drop off procedures:
7:00-7:25-Parents will drop off using the map below and students will go through the North Fire Gates to the playground.
7:25-7:30-Final parent drop offs will happen
7:31 and beyond-All parents will need to park in the parking lot and walk to sign kids into school.
Note: iDismiss App is not used in the morning.
Afternoon Pick-up
Afternoon pickup can be a busy time. Please be sure to plan accordingly to ensure you have plenty of time to get your child after school.
2:40-2:55-Parents will pick up, using the map below. Please have your iDismiss number visible on your dashboard for faster pick up. We allow 6 cars to load at a time and ask that all 6 remain until the sign has been turned to slow, at which time cars proceed with caution.
2:55 and beyond-All parents will need to park in the parking lot, and walk to sign kids out of school.
Traffic Safety: For your safety and the safety of all children, please review the following safety rules:
DO NOT leave vehicles unattended in Drop Off/Pick Up Only areas.
The area along the main crosswalk is for Kiss-N-Go use only; if you need time with your child, please park the car in a designated parking space.
Please enter and exit the parking area as the signs indicate.
Try to avoid blocking traffic by organizing your child before leaving for school (i.e. lunch money, parent notes, etc.)
Do not drop off or pick up in the Bus Lane and Day Care Bus areas.
All students must exit a vehicle on the right-hand side of the vehicle, so that they are exiting onto a sidewalk, not into traffic.
Remind children to use crosswalks to cross the streets and parking lots, with no running in the crosswalks.
Model proper behavior by observing crosswalks.
Park in properly marked spaces, not in the drive-through lane or drop-off areas.
Follow the speed limit of 5mph
Always move from fire lanes or allow emergency vehicles to enter school
Parking Lot Safety: In the parking lot, for the safety of all, please remember:
When picking up or dropping off your children at school, do not double park in the parking lot because the flow of traffic will be blocked. Please take the time to pull into a parking space. Your patience and cooperation will ensure a safer environment for our students.
Direct your children to CROSS AT THE DESIGNATED CROSSING AREAS ONLY. Please help and model the same safe procedures.
5mph is the expected rate of speed for all vehicles.
The school employees who direct traffic and cross students are acting in the best interest of all the children. Please respond to their requests and follow their directions in a respectful manner.
Please be patient and model good behavior, crosswalk-use behavior, and courtesy to fellow parents and school staff who strive to keep all children safe.
Do not walk between vehicles in the parking lot