A Day in the Life

  • A typical learning day at TCA

Free Time & Arrival

  • Students arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 am where they are free to play and explore in the outdoor spaces, including the garden, walking path, playground, soccer and baseball fields


  • All students are given breakfast so they can start their day of exploration with full stomachs. Together students clean up after breakfast.

Family Meeting

  • All students start their day in a Family Meeting where teachers greet everyone and then students meet in smaller groups around the learning environment to work on social/emotional development skills

Readers Workshop

  • Students gain literacy and comprehension skills through self guided, self selected literature as the teacher guide them through the use of mini-lessons and student conferencing

  • Both use a constructivist approach to teaching using a variety of methods, such as Reader's, Writers & Math Workshop. Intertwined with these, students are constantly coming up with ways to solve authentic, real world problems. 

Science and Social Studies

  • Full Project Based Learning is used as students, simultaneously, become biliterate. Students will alternate days learning and working in English and Spanish.


  • Students have an opportunity to eat lunch in a variety of areas, taking responsibility for cleaning up after themselves.

Exploration Time

  • For 30 minutes a day students explore and are enriched in the areas of physical activity, social/emotional well being, melodies and music and inspiring art. Our Early Years students will actively engage in Social Centers while our Intermediate Years students will explore during Genius Hour.

Learning Environment Team Work

  • Each day students are responsible for taking care of their environment by cleaning, watering plants and preparing for the next day.