Instructional Design

  • At the Creighton Academy we are trailblazers who create leaders that take an active, responsible role in society.

    We do this with a constant and continuous process of co-construction of a multiage, dual language, project-based, open learning environment where students learn to take ownership of their learning and advocate for a brighter future.  


  • Multi-aged classrooms provide benefits that are readily apparent when visiting the classroom. Younger children in the classroom have an opportunity to observe and imitate the older students as they work. Older students have an opportunity to reinforce their own knowledge by explaining what they are doing and assisting and mentoring younger children. Each child can learn and develop at his own pace within a classroom that accommodates many levels of ability and complexity.

    Our students are intentionally blended into groups of children of different ages. We believe there is more to our kids than dividing them by their birthdays. Sometimes they are divided by their interests, sometimes it's academic levels and sometimes we all stay together to learn from one another. Kids learn in 2 teacher Coveys and here is a Kindergarten group, 1-2 group, 3-4 group, 4-5 group, and a 6-7 group.

Project-Based Learning

  • One of the components of TCA is Project Based Learning:

    Project-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.We do this in two ways. All project-based learning gives students a voice and choice in the process and product for which they are learning.

    Every day our students have:

    • K-1-Social Centers-Students learn to develop Play Plans where they use literacy and writing skills and then self regulation as they execute their plans.
    • 2-3-STEM Centers-Students still develop Play Plans but this time they are in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to create.
    • 4-6-Genius Time-This was an idea taken from the company Apple, where they found that the very best and most innovative ideas came out of unstructured times when their employees just got to create. Our students develop plans, decide on ways they will execute those plans and how they will present their finished products to an audience during Genius Time each day.

    Students also work on projects over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engage them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience.

    As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.


Dual Language Spanish Immersion

  • We use a Spanish immersion model where students have dedicated time in their day for a variety of methods of learning Spanish for approximately 50% of their day.

    • Targeted Spanish Support-direct instruction in Spanish basics from vocabulary to verb conjugation

    • Math Instruction in Spanish-All Math classes are taught only in Spanish using an immersion model.

    • Continuous Model- During PBL Time students will do one day in English and then continue the instruction the next day in Spanish


Learning Environment

  • Each of the learning environments are thoughtfully arranged and offers an inviting space for activity that is focused and calm. Learning materials are accessible to the children to foster independence as the students go about their daily work. There are spaces in the space that allow for group activity as well as areas where the student can work alone. Each learning environment is open and spacious to allow younger children to make choices when it comes to where and how they learn best.